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Buy ignition coils for your 2001 Ford Expedition at prices much lower than any local auto parts store. Select your engine to find out just how mch money you can save!


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  1. 4.6L V8 2
  2. 5.4L V8 2

Ignition Coils For 2001 Ford Expedition


The 2001 Ford Expedition has 8 ignition coils. Many Expedition owners commonly refer to these as "coil packs", "coil on plugs", or "cops "coil on plug system". There is big debate among the Expedition community as to whether to go original or aftermarket. We have a great quality aftermarket brand of ignition coils for your Expedition that come with a real lifetime warranty. This warranty is good (limited to) for as long as you own your 01' Expedition. The same exact ignition coil (DG508) is used in both engines offered in the 2001 Ford Expedition model. We sell single coils, but we generally recommend to replace all 8 coils if they are at least 5-6 years or older, and one fails. If they have never been changed since 2001, and one fails, it is definitely time to replace all 8.

Auto parts store vs online ignition coils

Some dealers can ask from $50-$90 per coil. Not everybody has $500 or more for this type of job, so we offer an alternative that is the same quality as the coils you would find at your local auto parts store, but for MUCH less. The coils for the Expedition (DG508) are the most commonly replaced ignition coils, which is why we purchase 3,000 to 5,000 of these coils to get the best possible price. The only difference with us is that we sell directly to the consumer instead of getting involved with the middle man companies. This allows us to sell you the same coils at the price the auto stores buy them at. Don't believe it? Continue on to see our prices.

If you own an Expedition, you may have heard of this before

Any Expedition owner has dealt with a bad ignition coil at some point or another. We're just hereto make the process much easier and cheaper. If you need help trying to find out if you have a bad ignition coil, or if you have another problem in your '01 Expedition, check out our how-to section, and our Araparts Youtube channel. We have a video on how to find phantom misfires on a 2001 Expedition. We will not stop utill every single Expedition owner sees this video. Watching this video will save you a lot of money. Select the engine size of your Expedition to continue on and see these incredible deals.